
About the Panel Data Research Center at Keio University (PDRC)

The Panel Data Research Center at Keio University (PDRC) is a research and education institution established for the purpose of playing a leading role in panel data research in Japan.

Panel data has become an indispensable source for the study of society. The availability of information on the same subject collected over a long period allows us to not only promote policy evaluations and study the effects of systematical changes but also facilitates the investigation of more precise causal relations involving multiple events. Consequently, one of our main contributions to the strengthening of the research infrastructure in social science is the collection and organization of this type of data.

We collaborated with a wide range of researchers, specialized in economics and other fields, responsible for the process of designing the questionnaires and constructing the database and the analysis of the collected data and promotion of research achievements. With the purpose of maximizing the utility of this valuable data, we make them available for domestic and foreign researchers while maintaining the personal information confidentiality of our invaluable survey respondents.

In this way, we expect to contribute to the development of domestic and international studies on social science.

Director, Panel Data Research Center
Professor of Business and Commerce

Isamu Yamamoto