Survey History and Schedule

Ongoing surveys


  • Feb. 2018. JHPS/KHPS2018.
    A continuing survey to respondents of JHPS/KHPS2017.
  • Feb. 2018. JCPS2018
    A survey of respondents of JHPS/KHPS2018 who are parents of children between grade 1 and grade 9.

Completed Surveys


  • Feb. 2017. JHPS/KHPS2017.
    A continuing survey to respondents of JHPS/KHPS2016.
  • Feb. 2017. JHPS Second Generation Survey 2017
    A survey of children of respondents of JHPS/KHPS2016 over age 17.


  • Feb. 2016. JHPS/KHPS2016
    A continuing survey to respondents of JHPS/KHPS2015.
  • Feb. 2016. JCPS2016
    A survey of respondents of JHPS/KHPS2016 who are parents of children between grade 1 and grade 9.


  • Feb. 2015. JHPS/KHPS2015
    A continuing survey to respondents of JHPS/KHPS2014.
  • Feb. 2015. (JHPS Second Generation Survey 2015
    A survey of children of respondents of JHPS/KHPS2015 who are approximately between 18 and 35 (based on the ages of eldest children).


  • Feb. 2014. JHPS/KHPS2014
    A continuing survey to respondents of JHPS2013/KHPS2013.
  • Feb. 2014. JCPS2014
    A survey of respondents of JHPS/KHPS2013 who are parents of children between grade 1 and grade 9.


  • Feb. 2013. JHPS2013
    A continuing survey to respondents of JHPS2012.
  • Feb. 2013. JCPS2013
    A survey of respondents of KHPS2013 who are parents of children between grade 1 and grade 9.
  • Feb. 2013. KHPS2013
    A continuing survey to respondents of KHPS2012 (Part of Global COE Program).


  • Feb. 2012. JHPS2012
    A continuing survey to respondents of JHPS2011.
  • Feb. 2012. JCPS2012)
    A survey of respondents of JHPS2012 who are parents of children between grade 1 and grade 9.
  • Feb. 2012. KHPS2012
    A continuing survey to respondents of KHPS2011 with a new sample of 1,000 respondents (Part of Global COE Program).
  • Oct. 2011『Great East Japan Earthquake Special Survey (GEES) Wave 2』
    A special survey of respondents of JHPS/KHPS2011.
  • June. 2011『Great East Japan Earthquake Special Survey (GEES) Wave 1』
    A survey of respondents of JHPS/KHPS2011.


  • Feb. 2011. JHPS2011
    A continuing survey to respondents of JHPS2010.
  • Feb. 2011. JCPS2011)
    A survey of respondents of KHPS2011 who are parents of children between grade 1 and grade 9.
  • Feb. 2011. KHPS2011
    A continuing survey to respondents of KHPS2010 (Part of Global COE Program).


  • Feb. 2010. JHPS2010
    A continuing survey to respondents of JHPS2009.
  • Feb. 2010. JCPS2011)
    A survey of respondents of JHPS2010 who are parents of children between grade 1 and grade 9.
  • Feb. 2010. KHPS2010
    A continuing survey to respondents of KHPS2009 (Part of Global COE Program).


  • Feb. 2009. JHPS2009
    A new survey of natinally reposentative sample of 4,000 respondents over age 20 focusing on thier economic condition, employment, education, and health
  • Feb. 2009. KHPS2009
    A continuing survey to respondents of KHPS2009 (Part of Global COE Program).


  • KHPS2004~8 since 2004.