About the thirteenth wave of the survey (JHPS2021)

The thirteenth wave of the survey (13th wave)

- Survey Date
The survey was implemented on 31 January 2021.
- Survey Subjects
The 1,507 individuals who were subjects of the JHPS twelfth wave
(Valid respondents: 1,480 individuals, and 27 individuals who did not respond to JHPS twelfth Wave but who wished to participate in the survey.)
- Survey Method
The survey was implemented by the drop-off pick-up (DOPU) method and on the web (only for those who wish). Due to the spread of the COVID-19, if investigators did not wish to distribute the questionnaires, they were distributed and returned by mail.
- Types of Questionnaires
Two types of questionnaires that differed according to whether there was a spouse or not were used. And another questionnaire for spouse who married with respondent in the past year.
- Collection rate
Of 1,480 individuals who were surveyed, 1,337 individuals responded the survey, and then the collection rate was 90.3 %.
9 respondents who did not respond to the survey last year cooperated in the survey this year.

JHPS thirteenth wave responses

Number of samples 1,507
Completed 1,346
Of which last respondent 1,337
Of which Revival 9
Recovery rate* 90.3%
Married 999
Single 347
Newlywed 3
Dropout 161

*Recovery rate = (Completed-Revival) / Completed in last year × 100

■ 13th wave (JHPS2021) questionnaire PDF

The thirteenth wave of the survey was implemented in the following manner (New Cohort).

- Survey Date
The survey was implemented on 31 January 2021.
- Survey Subjects
The 1,820 individuals who were subjects of the JHPS twelfth wave
(Valid respondents: 1,746 individuals, and 74 individuals who did not respond to JHPS twelfth Wave but who wished to participate in the survey.)
- Survey Method
The survey was implemented by the drop-off pick-up (DOPU) method and on the web (only for those who wish). Due to the spread of the COVID-19, if investigators did not wish to distribute the questionnaires, they were distributed and returned by mail.
- Types of Questionnaires
Two types of questionnaires that differed according to whether there was a spouse or not were used. And another questionnaire for spouse who married with respondent in the past year.
- Collection rate
Of 1,746 individuals who were surveyed, 1,401 individuals responded the survey, and then the collection rate was 80.2 %.

JHPS thirteenth wave collection rate (New Cohort)

Number of samples 1,820
Completed 1,417
Of which last respondent 1,401
Of which Revival 16
Recovery rate 80.2%
Married 864
Single 553
Newlywed 14
Dropout 403

■ 13th wave (JHPS2021) questionnaire (New Cohort) PDF

KHPS2004 KHPS2005 KHPS2006 KHPS2007 KHPS2008
KHPS2009 KHPS2010 KHPS2011 KHPS2012 KHPS2013
KHPS2014 KHPS2015 KHPS2016 KHPS2017 KHPS2018
KHPS2019 KHPS2020 KHPS2021 - -
JHPS2009 JHPS2010 JHPS2011 JHPS2012 JHPS2013
JHPS2014 JHPS2015 JHPS2016 JHPS2017 JHPS2018
JHPS2019 JHPS2020 JHPS2021 - -