About the nineteenth wave of the survey (KHPS2022)

The nineteenth wave of the survey (19th wave)

- Survey Date
The survey was implemented on 31 January 2022.
- Survey Subjects
The 2,139 individuals who were subjects of the KHPS eighteenth wave.
(Valid respondent: 2,054 individuals and 85 individuals who did not respond KHPS the eighteenth wave, but who indicate a wish to cooperate the survey.)
- Survey Method
The survey was implemented by the drop-off pick-up (DOPU) method and on the web (only for those who wish). Due to the spread of the COVID-19, if investigators did not wish to distribute the questionnaires, they were distributed and returned by mail.
- Types of Questionnaires
Two types of questionnaires that differed according to whether there was a spouse or not were used. And another questionnaire for spouse who married with respondent in the past year.
- Collection Rate
Of 2,054 individuals who were surveyed, 1,907 individuals responded the survey, and then the collection rate was 92.8%.
50 respondents who did not respond to the survey last year cooperated the re-survey this year, and submitted the questionnaires.

KHPS Nineteenth Wave Responses

Number of samples 2,139
Completed 1,957
Of which last respondent 1,907
Of which revival 50
Recovery rate* 92.8%
Married 1,427
Single 530
Newlywed 10
Dropout 182

*Recovery rate = (Completed-Revival ) / Completed in last year ×100

■ nineteenth wave (KHPS2022) Questionnaires PDF

KHPS2004 KHPS2005 KHPS2006 KHPS2007 KHPS2008
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