DP-2014-001 Lechevalier Sébastien The ‘Re-segmentation” of the Japanese labor market. Investigating the impact of industrial dynamics PDF
DP-2013-005 石井 加代子・野崎 華世 「慶應義塾家計パネル調査(KHPS)」と「日本家計パネル調査(JHPS)」におけるLongitudinal / Cross-sectionalウェイトおよびパネル統合ウェイトの作成 PDF
DP-2013-003 谷口 みゆき The Impact of the Designated Manager System of Japanese Public Halls: Measuring Technical, Allocative, and Productive Efficiency PDF
DP-2013-001 Katrin Rehdanz, Heinz Welsch, Daiju Narita, Toshihiro Okubo Well-being effects of a major negative externality: The case of Fukushima PDF
DP-2012-007 Tamaki Miyauchi Measuring Japanese Constituency Preferences for Income Redistribution Policy and Effects by the Great Earthquake of Eastern Japan in 2011 PDF